Soil Science

Without ‘life’ in the soil it can do little more than prevent growing plants from falling over! It is ‘life’ in the earth that provides its fertility. Life in soil is comprised of earthworms, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, beetles, centipedes, slugs, snails and ants to name a few (source Wikipedia). Life in a healthy soil works to break down decomposing organic matter on the surface, creating humus and that adds to the soil’s volume and texture, thereby improving its structure and its fertility. This process releases locked up nutrients to better grow plants that contain a balanced mix of nutrients, minerals and trace elements. The end result is the provision of healthier nutrition to the animals or humans that consume the plants as food.

Our Nitrosol products are strongly oriented towards the procreation of ‘life’ in soil. Nitrosol is made from amino acids derived from natural protein, it also contains a full range of plant available nutrients, minerals and trace elements that will feed and nurture plants through both foliage as well as roots. The organic content that includes humates, amino acids, carbohydrates (energy), contributes to the development of the soil biology and this leads to better nutrient uptake by plants, raising brix levels and increasing dry matter production.

Farmers and growers find that Nitrosol makes a significant contribution to enhancing the life in their soils, improving crop yields and quality, improving the health of their grazing animals and also reducing their reliance upon, expense and harm, often associated with the use of chemicals. Enhancing your soil biology with Nitrosol has the added benefit of sequestering carbon a fact that will have growing importance in the years ahead.

Additional resources

  • Leaf amino acid supply affects photosynthetic and plant nitrogen use efficiency under nitrogen stress. Read more
  • Glycine mitigates fertilizer requirements of agricultural crops: case study with cucumber as a high fertilizer demanding crop. Read more.
  • Effects of foliar application of amino acid liquid fertilizers, with or without Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9, on cowpea yield and leaf microbiota. Read more.
  • Influence of soil amendment of different concentrations of amino acid water-soluble fertilizer on physiological characteristics, yield and quality of “hangjiao No.2” chili pepper. Read more.
  • Seed and foliar application of amino acids improve variables of nitrogen metabolism and productivity in soybean crop. Read more.
  • Do amino acids work?
  • Glutamic acid reshapes the plant microbiota to protect plants against pathogens. Read more.
  • Foliar spraying with compound amino acid-iron fertilizer increases leaf fresh weight, photosynthesis, and Fe-S cluster gene expression in peach (prunus persica (L.) batsch). Read more.
  • Exogenous application of amino acids improves the growth and yield of lettuce by enhancing photosynthetic assimilation and nutrient availability. Read more.
  • Aminochelate fertilizers: the new approach to the old problem. A review.
  • Leaf amino acid supply affects photosynthetic and plant nitrogen use efficiency under nitrogen stress. Read more.
  • Effect of the new plant growth biostimulants based on amino acids on yield and grain quality of winter wheat. Read more.

Nitrogen Fixing

  • Dairy NZ - The impact of farming without nitrogen fertiliser for ten years on pasture yield and composition, milk solids production and profitability; a research farmlet comparison.
  • Are we there yet? The long walk towards the development of efficient symbiotic associations between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and non-leguminous crops. Read more.


  • Root exudate-derived compounds stimulate the phosphorus solubilizing ability of bacteria. Read more.
  • Phosphate solubilizing microbes: sustainable approach for managing phosphorus deficiency in agricultural soils. Read more.
  • Microbial phosphorus mobilization strategies across a natural nutrient limitation gradient and evidence for linkage with iron solubilization traits. Read more.

Other Nutrients

  • Transition metal transport in plants and associated endosymbionts: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia. Read more.

From internationally renowned and highly respected soil ecologist Dr Christine Jones - Amazing Carbon

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