Power To The Ground

Nitrosol News

Agrecovery Rural Recycling Programme

Nitrosol Ltd is proud to be a part of the AGRECOVERY programme; a Rural Recycling Programme that will allow you to conveniently and efficiently recycle your plastic containers from the farm. This is a great step in the right direction for more sustainable farming practices. Burning and burying agrichemicals and their packaging on property has not only been proven to be harmful to health and the environment but it is not farming for the future.  Click title to read full article.

Nitrosol Inventor

The late Dr Gabriel Peter Kauzal, (1903-1991) DMed Vet, CSIRO Research Scientist, McMaster Laboratory, Sydney University and noted parasitologist recognised that animal health starts with diet.  Through research and trialing he developed a formulation that would change the way farmers think about fertiliser and enabled them to improve animal health by making feed more nutritious. Click title to read full article.

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